Break Free Stonnington Climate Action is a group of local residents that formed in June 2019 with shared concerns around the rapidly intensifying effects of climate change in our local community, across Australia and around the globe.

Over the last 12 months we’ve worked closely with the community, building awareness around the climate crisis through a range of events and platforms that encourage residents to share their concerns. We also launched a petition for a Climate Emergency Declaration that attracted over over 850 signatures, and contributed to the successful Stonnington Council declaration in February this year. There is much work still to be done, and we hope that as a community we can work towards a greener healthier planet for future generations.

Covid check-ins

With physical distancing in place, maintaining social connection is really important. That’s why we’re making calls to over 70’s in Stonnington during this uncertain time – not only to support those in need but also to model the kind of world we want to see; both now and into the future.


Don’t Fund Gas

Our government is currently preparing for a fossil gas-led recovery. This would be a disaster for both our environment, and our economy. We need to let them know that there are better ways to build back and reduce emissions for the long-term. Use our letter writing template to tell our local MP’s ‘Don’t fund gas, fund our future.’


Let’s Talk About Gas

What’s the big deal with gas at the moment? Everyone is talking about it, from farmers to politicians. But is it bad? Is it a fossil fuel? Are we about to run out? We’ve taken the hassle out of searching for information and created some bite-size gas Q&A’s for you. Keen to level up? Take our dinner table challenge, and get your friends and family talking about gas too!


News & Events

Clean Streets 2020

An estimated 5 trillion pieces of plastic now litter the world's oceans. Our social distancing crew hit the streets of Stonnington recently, collecting over 8kg of litter…

Climate Emergency Action Plan

After declaring a Climate Emergency in February this year, Stonnington Council are now seeking community input to help shape the development of their Climate Emergency…

100% Renewable, 100% doable

Greenpeace's Re-energise campaign highlights Australia’s biggest companies progress on renewable energy. Many major companies are making the switch, but there are still…

Clean Streets 2020

Help us reach our goal and keep Stonnington free from rubbish that finds it’s way into our waterways.

Help us reach 15KG! 50%

Friends of Break Free Stonnington